Honey Jar Love Spell
Honey Jar Love Spell
If the following apply to your situation, this is the spell for you:
* The love in your relationship is not as you would like it to be, the spark or magic seem to be missing
* You can feel you and your loved one drifting apart, and you want to reverse this and feel deep, true love
* You want a specific person to start to feel 'sweet' about you and fall in love with you
* You want the help of a Master Wiccan Spellcaster
Honey Jar Love Spell
Hello and welcome to WiccanSpells.site the home of powerful Wiccan love spells. If you are looking for a powerful honey jar love spell, your search is over. Maybe the 'spark' has disappeared from your relationship, and you want to rekindle the love that you once had. Perhaps you and your loved one seem to be drifting apart, and you want to reverse this and feel the closeness and intimacy that you desire. Or you may have someone in your sights as a potential lover, and you want to sweeten their feelings towards you.
The honey jar love spell is extremely powerful and ideal for solving your love problem. Rooted in age old traditions, this spell harnesses the symbolic power of honey to sweeten intentions, cultivate love and create harmony.
If you would like a free consultation, you can WhatsApp Master Spellcaster Ionatán on +44 (0)7515 171150 or fill in the contact form
I'm Ionatán, Master Spellcaster of powerful Wiccan magick and I specialise in love spells and rituals of all kinds. Highly empathetic, I will take the time to fully understand the full details of your situation before the casting, and personally prepare the best combination of ingredients for your spell, including crystals, herbs and incantations. I am also available for free guidance and advice after the casting.
After the spell has been cast you'll feel confident that powerful magick is working to change the way that your loved one acts and behaves towards you. You will sense the love and affection growing stronger and stronger, until you have a happy, loving, harmonious relationship.
In casting this spell I will invoke the Goddess Freya - the Goddess of love. Firstly I will cleanse your aura. This will remove any negative energy and ensure that you are receptive to the magick. I will then write down your name and date of birth, along with that of the other person and your desired outcome, fold three times, and place into a jar along with honey, rose petals, jasmine oil and lavender. The spell jar is then charged with the flame of a red candle, along with rose quartz crystals, while I say an incantation that is specific to your spell. Finally the spell jar is buried in a clear spot to allow the earth and the moon to further infuse the spell with energy.
To cast this spell I need:
* Your full name and date of birth
* Your target's full name and date of birth
* A photograph of each of you
* Full details of your situation
If you would like a free consultation, you can WhatsApp Master Spellcaster Ionatán on +44 (0)7515 171150 or fill in the contact form