Wiccan Magick And The Phases Of The Moon
The moon's cycles can have a powerful impact on the speed of manifestation of a Wiccan spell and how powerful the effects of a spell can be. Whilst all spells can be cast at any time, casting when the moon is in the right phase can help to invigorate a spell and give it an extra boost.
The power of the moon has been recognised for centuries. The moon controls the tides, and the human heart and brain consist of over 70% water, so it is easy to see why the moon can have a profound impact upon us. Our Wiccan spells seek to enhance the power of the moon where possible, to help you to get what you desire as quickly as possible.
There are four moon cycles or phases, the most powerful being the full moon and new moon. Because of the limited amount of spells that we can cast on any given night, and the extra power of these spells, they are more expensive than spells cast on other nights. Triple cast Wiccan spells that are cast for the full moon will be cast on three consecutive nights, the final casting being on the night of the full moon. Triple cast new moon spells will begin with the first casting on the night of the new moon.
These are the moon's cycles, and which spells are best suited to each phase:
Waxing moon - the moon is in this phase from the new moon until the full moon. Spells for growth and new projects or initiatives are suited to this phase, as well as spells for good luck or attracting money.
Full moon - the most powerful moon phase. Love spells and lust spells are best cast on the night of the full moon. It is also a good time to cast spells for healing and manifesting goals, and for seeing the future through prophecy.
Waning moon - the cycle between full moon and new moon. A good time for banishing spells, removing blockages and any bad or evil influences.
New moon - The start of the lunar cycle. Good for spells to attract new love, secure a new job or success in a new venture.
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